Event details
- Tuesday | 25/08/2020
- 12:00 PM
- Virtual Meeting Room
- +65 9178 7666
- enquiry@sii.org.sg
46th Annual General Meeting 25th August 2020
SII will be holding our 46th Annual General Meeting on 25th August 2020 at 12pm via virtual meeting on Cisco Webex for the purpose of transacting the following matters.
1. President’s address
2. Receive and adopt annual report and audited statement for the year ending 31st December 2019
3. To consider, and if necessary elect, SII Council for the year 2020/2021
4. Any other business
To appoint a proxy in your absence during the AGM, the attached form must be:
a. Signed and completed;
b. Received by the SII secretariat before the commencement of the meeting
We look forward for your confirmation of your attendance for the AGM no later than 19th August 2020 via the online form here https://forms.gle/76ncgTrYGe9CMiav8.
Thank you very much and we look forward to your participation.
Download Notice Form for 46th Annual General Meeting of Singapore Insurance Institute here.
For further details, please get in touch with us @ enquiry@sii.org.sg | +65 9178 7666