Code of Conduct

Membership of the Singapore Insurance Institute is a privilege which carries with it duties and a responsibility to maintain the highest ethical and professional standards in the conduct of insurance business. All members of the Institute are required to observe the Code of Conduct. The Institute may exercise its disciplinary powers to reprimand, suspend or cancel the membership of members who violate the Code.

Code 1 – Personal Integrity

Members shall conduct themselves with integrity and honour so as to uphold the reputation of the Institute and their status as professionals in insurance and financial services.


Code 2 – Professional Conduct

Members shall conduct their professional activities with integrity and honesty and shall consider the requirements and interests of clients and respect the confidentiality of information. Members shall also observe and comply with all the laws and regulations under which they operate.


Code 3 – Personal Competence

Members shall seek to use the highest professional standards in the exercise of their profession and to maintain the same standards for those who work with them or for them.


Code 4 – Professional Development

Members shall seek to continue their professional education to ensure that their technical knowledge is up-to-date and of the highest standard.


Code 5 – Use Of Designatory Letters

Only Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Associates and Affiliates may publicise their membership of the Institute to indicate their possession of a professional qualification by the respective use of the designatory letters of FSII (Hon), FSII, ASII and AFF SII. Members must ensure that advertisements and other public announcements, with which their names or qualifications are associated, are not such as might bring the Institute into disrepute.